Donna is the reason that we have a Shaders Family. She began Locks and Shades in 2015 from her spare bedroom at home. Since then, it has grown to become the incredible Peterborough salon it is today. Donna loves being part of the Shaders Family with other passionate hairdressers. While Donna loves growing and nurturing the creative team, she loves bringing clients into a space where they look and feel beautiful as well as feeling better about themselves. With over 23 years’ experience (she obviously started young) she has one top hair care tip – always apply your dry shampoo at night – this avoids that ghostly look in the mornings!
Favourite TakeAway: Pizza
Favourite Film: Sleepless in Seattle
Dream Holiday: Anywhere hot, but Cyprus is a firm favourite with my family.
No.1 Hair Product: Potion 9. It’s a leave in hair treatment and an oldie, but definitely a goodie!
Star Sign: Virgo